Friday, May 11, 2012

Releasing the words.

I wasn't in class due to the AP Literature test. I just wanted to write down some of my thoughts.

First of all, I am surprised at how much the media classes have influenced other subjects in my life. I have learned how to analyze media, and in turn it has taught me how to analyze literature. Also, in government when we look at political adds and cartoons I am able to find the deeper meaning faster than my classmates.

Secondly, I have been raking in the money. Okay..not really...but I have been making a few extra bucks with my amateur senior picture taking. I don't charge a lot, I pretty much only charge for my time because I know my skill level is still needing improvement. It has been a good experience to take pictures and get out in the field and then come back and get critiques from different people about what they like and don't like.


I will travel.

I have been talking to my aunt and uncle who both work at the airport, and my uncle wants me to get a job with him. It doesn't pay well, so I would have to get a second job...but it does give me flight benefits, so long as I fly standby I can get to practically anywhere I want. I have the travel bug. I need to get out and see and experience things for myself, and there is no better time than now before I am involved in school and relationships. I also think that travelling will help build my portfolio and understanding, and I might have an advantage based off of travel experiences that I have had in my future career choice.

This is all.

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