Thursday, February 2, 2012

The Vow (not the chick flick version)

I usually blame this winter stupor on the snow, but seeing as how there is no snow I feel like it stems from something else. I am not depressed, that does not do this feeling justice. I am just...through.

Here we go, I am about to abandon everything that has been holding me back.

I don't care if I look like a jerk, I refuse to do anyone else's work.
The funny thing is, that doesn't even make me look like a jerk, it only makes me feel like one.
I am getting rid of that perception.
 Time to focus on ME, on doing the things that I want to do.

I am going to stop being afraid to show my inner thoughts and desires.
No more cookie-cutter work.
 I need to use the things that drive my emotions and incorporate them into my work.
 I need to tell myself that it is okay if the project doesn't turn out how I expected it, because that is just something to learn from.

I need to find a niche and focus on that until I produce a product that I am completely happy with, that I am wanting to share.

I am sick of being pushed around by myself.

From here on out, I am going to put my whole soul into creating things that honestly show
I am.