Monday, February 13, 2012

2 days, to days

I have learned the past few days that it doesn't matter what anyone else does,  those things shouldn't affect me. 
I need to remember this as I go into sterling scholar interviews on Wednesday. 
I can't determine who my competition is and how well they do in their interviews, the only thing that should matter is that I do my best and present what I have with confidence. 
Nonetheless, my stomach is in a constant state of knot-iness 
(not naughtiness, although the huge bowl of ice cream I just ate begs to differ.)
and I find myself having personal interviews inside my mind.
Psh, I guess that is what watching a whole bunch of news will do to a person. 
There still haven't been any tears, and I think with some rigorous training through practice questions I will feel prepared enough by Wednesday...

That is in 2 days. 

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