Friday, January 27, 2012

White AND Colored, because I am not racist.

This past week I have been working on my Sterling Scholar portfolio, which has not only been a gigantic pain, but also an eye opening experience. I didn't realize that I had so many leadership and service experiences going for me. I am glad I went through and marked out all of the times I have helped/led people, because now it will be easier to write essays for other scholarships.

Now you may ask, "How does multimedia relate to your portfolio?"

Let me tell you.

Firstly, I had to format and type up all of my pages for the portfolio. I used photo shop to create the headers and Microsoft Digital Image Pro 9 to format my pictures, words, and text all together. I was frustrated wishing that I had better quality programs to work with, but I learned that even with crappy programs I can produce good quality work depending on how much effort I put into it.

I spent time collecting photographs, typing up my answers to the questions, crying over loss of food and sleep, and compiling it all together!

Today I worked on a collage of pictures, just for fun. It took me about fifteen minutes. I really like colors against the white background.

Rainbow Child

One Man Band

Asians, raising the bar...always.

Human Color Pallette

(Side note: Anna is my best friend. and we are moving out together and going to UVU in the fall. Can't wait. We are currently working on getting a goldfish and a cactus for our basement apartment.)

Happy Friday!

1 comment:

  1. Sterling Scholar interviews, good luck. I like that you create and that you DO. Have you ever thought about why you DO? Why did you DO these pictures? Why did you DO these colors? Why did you choose these words? I wonder if you create by the numbers. You know all the steps of creation but have you ever just let them go? I mean you list here all the steps of creating the portfolio, but what does the portfolio say about you? Think about it and we will talk in class.
