Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Bad Human

I hate that everything is a remix of something else...but at the same time...I love it. 
I don't think there is a way for society to continue to evolve without allowing people to copy
 other people's work.

Yes, it sucks when your work gets copied. 
Especially if you are losing money because your work has been copied. 

Don't think of it as stealing, 
think of it as idolizing. 
If someone loves you enough to make a cheaper version or a better version of something you have already created,
that is a GOOD thing.

Even though it's bad. 

Bad dog. 

Monday, February 27, 2012

Script Reading

I think Loghan has a lot of talent when it comes to scripting.
 The story line was intense, but it did sound like a lot of movies that are already out there.
I would like to see him using his creativity to add something that makes this movie
UNIQUE, which I firmly believe he can do. 
The part that we read did not have much dialogue, however his character developement was pretty impressive for the lack of verbal interactions.
 I am excited to see how he revises and improves upon this script, and I think he has a very good story line to run with.

Now run like the wind, Loghan!


So, is in a slump right now.

I say "um" too much, because I am never sure of anything these days, and "um" fills in when I have something I want to say but can't find the right words because my brain is focussed elsewhere.  

On the plus side,
I am getting really excited about the future, especially now that I have decided on a major!
Are you ready for this?
 Major in Communications with an emphasis in Public Relations.
I can't wait to get started on college.

As far as media goes, in the future, I feel like most of my focus will be put into my personal blog.

I am going to work and my first purchase will be a good camera, because I find that taking pictures relaxes me and helps me appreciate everything that surrounds me.
It also makes my blog posts more interesting.  

Monday, February 13, 2012

2 days, to days

I have learned the past few days that it doesn't matter what anyone else does,  those things shouldn't affect me. 
I need to remember this as I go into sterling scholar interviews on Wednesday. 
I can't determine who my competition is and how well they do in their interviews, the only thing that should matter is that I do my best and present what I have with confidence. 
Nonetheless, my stomach is in a constant state of knot-iness 
(not naughtiness, although the huge bowl of ice cream I just ate begs to differ.)
and I find myself having personal interviews inside my mind.
Psh, I guess that is what watching a whole bunch of news will do to a person. 
There still haven't been any tears, and I think with some rigorous training through practice questions I will feel prepared enough by Wednesday...

That is in 2 days. 

Thursday, February 2, 2012

The Vow (not the chick flick version)

I usually blame this winter stupor on the snow, but seeing as how there is no snow I feel like it stems from something else. I am not depressed, that does not do this feeling justice. I am just...through.

Here we go, I am about to abandon everything that has been holding me back.

I don't care if I look like a jerk, I refuse to do anyone else's work.
The funny thing is, that doesn't even make me look like a jerk, it only makes me feel like one.
I am getting rid of that perception.
 Time to focus on ME, on doing the things that I want to do.

I am going to stop being afraid to show my inner thoughts and desires.
No more cookie-cutter work.
 I need to use the things that drive my emotions and incorporate them into my work.
 I need to tell myself that it is okay if the project doesn't turn out how I expected it, because that is just something to learn from.

I need to find a niche and focus on that until I produce a product that I am completely happy with, that I am wanting to share.

I am sick of being pushed around by myself.

From here on out, I am going to put my whole soul into creating things that honestly show
I am.